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Results for "keyword: "economic inequality""
Birthday of Muhammad Yunus (PDP) Saluting the pioneer who is helping create a poverty-free world built upon a sharing economy.
Close to forty percent of Delhi's population Close to forty percent of Delhi's population
The Children of the World A prayer of devotion and service for the children of the world.
American Factory Documentary about how culture clashes in factories highlight changes in the global economy.
The Divide Matt Taibbi on how Americans have become accustomed to some people having more rights than others.
The Flag, the Cross, and the Station Wagon A memoir that turns into a passionate appeal for faithful people to build an equitable American future.
A Lament for Dismaying Global Trends Hope Through the Ages, we have become aware of some dismaying global trends. As we lament these developments, help us to respond with love, compassion, peace, and kindness. Report: A report from…
Ten Lessons for a Post-Pandemic World An inventive and cogent examination of what changes will come after or can result from the pandemic.
Saving Capitalism A strong case for changing government and the free market system to help stem the rampant tide of economic inequality in the United States.
Who Rules the World? Noam Chomsky on the rise of the masters of the universe, a.k.a. capitalist powers and their impact on U.S. government policy.